Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Kind Story That Warmed My Heart

I was listening to a radio talk show and the topic of the day was "Random Acts of Kindness." A middle-aged man was speaking of  how his life and outlook were changed when he was a young man, just by someone's kindness to him. This was his story (paraphrased.)

"I was only about 20 years old and taking a solo drive through the deep south during a college break. I was out in the boondocks, somewhere near Meridian, Mississippi, when my car just stopped running. It was mid July and extremely hot, as only the deep south is in the summer. As i started walking, steam seemed to be coming up from the pavement, and the exertion made me feel faint. I did not know where I was headed, and being a 'furriner,' visions of the movie Deliverance flashed before me. I had no idea where the next signs of civilization might be. I thought I had passed a service station about 20 miles back! Then I saw a pickup approaching, and an old man pulled alongside, stopped and asked, 'Is that your car broke down back there?' I cautiously answered, 'Yes. Can I get a ride to somewhere like a gas station so I can use the phone and get some help?' The old man said, 'Better yet, I will take you to someone who can help you.'

"I hesitated to get into his truck, but felt I had little choice as I knew I would not last long walking in the midday heat. As I climbed in I eyed the double-barreled shot gun and what I perceived as a hunting dog in the truck bed. The old man just looked straight ahead and took off. 'Where you from, son?' he asked. I was almost afraid to tell him I was from New England. I had heard southerners were still fighting the Civil War. I meekly said, "Connecticut."  The old man just said, 'Ummm'.

"About five minutes later we pulled up to an old ram-shackeled building, with several cars, obviously a sort of mechanic's garage. We got out and the old man introduced me to the mechanic who was wiping his dirty hands on an oily rag. 'Bill, this young man needs help,' he told his friend. 'His car is broke down about 5 miles back.'

"The mechanic and I got into his tow truck and hauled my car back to his shop. His wife had come down from the house and invited me to 'Come on up to the house and wait.' This made me nervous but I followed. There she smilingly served me iced tea and a nice lunch and told me just to relax while her husband was working. He soon diagnosed the problem; it was a bad alternator. He had one that was refurbished and  soon installed it in the car. She started up beautifully. When he finished the work, he charged only his cost for the alternator -- a mere few dollars -- and refused to take anything for the labor or towing. I had $300 cash on me and  tried to give him all of it for his time and trouble. He refused. But he told me this:
' I cannot take your money, son. All I ask is that, from now on, when you see somebody in need, that you help them. Don't ask questions, just do what you can.'

"That happened years ago and I never miss a chance to tell that story. From that time on, whenever I see somebody in need, I just cannot help but feel it my duty to stop and assist them. And I cannot begin to tell you how it blesses me each time. From the time that old man gave me a ride, and the mechanic and his wife fixed my car, fed me, gave me something to drink, and refused to take money for it, I have been blessed. Their acts of kindness for a stranger truly changed my life."

Welcome! The Purpose of This Blog

I was inspired to create a site like this after I listened to a radio talk show in which the host could not handle all the calls, he had so many. People were calling in about random acts of kindness that had been done for them by strangers, and acts that they had done for others, and how blessed they were by them.

I got to thinking: that is what God wants. He wants us to love one another, without regard for race, color, ethnic group, or even belief system. That is the way in which we can witness for our faith in Him: by truly being unselfish in our dealings with others.

In many ways we are all alike and have the same needs. We should stop fighting, hating, warring against others. We should forgive wrongs done to us in the past. We should stop reacting to violence in violent ways. We can change the world, one thought, one act, one person at a time.

As the old saying goes, "Light a candle instead of cursing the darkness." Let us all be candle lighters, in our own little world that surrounds us. Let us teach our children to love instead of making them selfish and greedy through all the material things we try to shower on them. Teach them to give, to share, to love. There is no better way to rear them. You will also have more peace in your own home!

Everyone can do their part, in little or big ways. It does not take a lot of money, if any; it takes time and caring. Sometimes we may share our money and resources, if needed, but so much else can be done. Share a talent, a smile, a kind word. Whatever you have. Do not look at others as if they are different; look at them as if they are part of you -- they are! That hurting person who is filled with venom may just need kindness from you to change his outlook and his life.

Llet me hear from you at Be sure to include your first name and location, and let me know if you want your email to remain private.

I will post good testimonies of random acts of kindness and other messages, as I see fit, on this site. Negative and abusive comments will be deleted.
