Saturday, January 22, 2011

Welcome! The Purpose of This Blog

I was inspired to create a site like this after I listened to a radio talk show in which the host could not handle all the calls, he had so many. People were calling in about random acts of kindness that had been done for them by strangers, and acts that they had done for others, and how blessed they were by them.

I got to thinking: that is what God wants. He wants us to love one another, without regard for race, color, ethnic group, or even belief system. That is the way in which we can witness for our faith in Him: by truly being unselfish in our dealings with others.

In many ways we are all alike and have the same needs. We should stop fighting, hating, warring against others. We should forgive wrongs done to us in the past. We should stop reacting to violence in violent ways. We can change the world, one thought, one act, one person at a time.

As the old saying goes, "Light a candle instead of cursing the darkness." Let us all be candle lighters, in our own little world that surrounds us. Let us teach our children to love instead of making them selfish and greedy through all the material things we try to shower on them. Teach them to give, to share, to love. There is no better way to rear them. You will also have more peace in your own home!

Everyone can do their part, in little or big ways. It does not take a lot of money, if any; it takes time and caring. Sometimes we may share our money and resources, if needed, but so much else can be done. Share a talent, a smile, a kind word. Whatever you have. Do not look at others as if they are different; look at them as if they are part of you -- they are! That hurting person who is filled with venom may just need kindness from you to change his outlook and his life.

Llet me hear from you at Be sure to include your first name and location, and let me know if you want your email to remain private.

I will post good testimonies of random acts of kindness and other messages, as I see fit, on this site. Negative and abusive comments will be deleted.


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